2023 Women & Wheels Season Awards

In 2022, we introduced the Novice of the Year awards, it was a major hit and really drove our newer racers to feel comfortable in coming to track. We have added a LOT of extra awards this year. 

We are introducing an annual End of Season Black Tie Gala. All nominees will be announced prior to the Gala, and winners be announced on stage at the Gala. Gala information like location, date and time will be announced in the next few months.

This new season we are eager to honor many more racers! Here is a rundown of what awards we will be handing out at the end of the 2023 season: 



The NOTY awards are specifically for beginners. In order to qualify for this award, you must not have competed in more than 3 drag racing events prior to your first Women’s Class event of the season. Test N Tunes do not count. Nominees for this award will have shown great sportsmanship and support to fellow racers throughout the season. They will have shown motivation and drive to be the best they can be, even if the results were not what they wanted.

Nominees for this award are picked by the W&W crew who observes the racers throughout the entire season. Winners will be announced at the End of Season Gala.

Winner's will be awarded a custom engraved plaque along with other prizes.



So many of our racers throughout the season are PROS at what they do! Just because we structure our Women’s Class on helping newcomers get started, doesn’t mean we don’t have the greatest seasoned pro’s race with us! The only requirement for this award is the nominees must have raced at least ONE Women’s Class or QOTT this season to be eligible.

Nominees for this award will be open to the public to cast their vote on who they think should be awarded. Nominations will open once the season has officially ended. W&W will open and post a nomination page. Nominees will be announced prior to the End of Season Gala. Winners will be announced at the End of Season Gala.


Winner's will be awarded a custom engraved plaque along with other prizes.



So many of our racers wouldn’t be able to do what they do without their crew. This award is specifically for the Crew Chiefs that keep us running and lined up straight. The only requirement for this award is the nominees must have assisted a racer who raced at least ONE Women’s Class or QOTT this season to be eligible. 

Nominees for this award will be open to the public to cast their vote on who they think should be awarded. W&W will open and post a nomination page. Nominations will open once the season has officially ended. Nominees will be announced prior to the End of Season Gala. Winners will be announced at the End of Season Gala.


Winner's will be awarded a custom engraved trophy along with other prizes.



The People’s Choice award is an all-round award highlighting the racer that did the most this year, or overcame the most, or whatever the case may be. This award is very flexible, the only requirement for this award is the nominees must have raced at least ONE Women’s Class or QOTT this season to be eligible.

Nominees for this award will be open to the public to cast their vote on who they think should be awarded. W&W will open and post a nomination page. Nominations will open once the season has officially ended. Nominees will be announced prior to the End of Season Gala. Winners will be announced at the End of Season Gala.

Winner's will be awarded a custom engraved plaque along with other prizes. 



This award is the most special to us, for those who don’t know, when W&W had first started out we approached Chase (co-owner of Street Car Takeover) and asked him if we could sponsor an award for the Fastest Female of their 2021 season. Just whichever racer had gone the fastest out of the entire year at any event. 

Chase convinced us that we needed to create a Women’s Class and follow them on tour. That is exactly what we did, and the rest is history. It only felt right in our 3rd year to bring this award to fruition.

The winner of this award will be featured as a guest on the JP Emerson Show that has featured incredible racers such as Leah Pruett & Ida Zetterström.

The only requirement for this award is the winner must have raced their fastest pass in at least the Women’s Class or QOTT this season to be eligible. You can submit your fastest timeslip (along with video of the pass to authentic the timeslip and event location) to us, but we will be keeping track of the fastest passes at each event to ensure fairness.


Winner's will be awarded a custom engraved plaque along with other prizes.